Who is
Deep Green Solar?
Founded in 2019, DGS provides a unique pre-construction PPA financing solution and Buyouts for small C&I projects. We are an experienced and diversified team, split between SF, LA and NY, with over 100 years of renewable energy, financing and technology experience.
DGS is backed by a leading energy sector investment fund and two family offices.
DGS partners with Developers to unlock the multi-billion dollar 75-500 kW unaudited C&I offtakers market.
By teaming up with innovative partners and tools, DGS is able to offer a highly competitive and streamlined PPA that will work for more Developers and Offtakers.
DGS finances PV and PV+Storage nationwide across the commercial, industrial, non-profit and houses of worship sectors (including carports).

You are in good hands
The Deep Green Solar team has over 100 years of combined experience in energy finance across several of the industry’s leading players.
Why Deep Green Solar?
The performance of each of our systems is guaranteed.
We finance 75 – 500 kW commercial and industrial projects.
We only require CPA-prepared financials.
We use streamlined diligence and documentation process.

Solar PPA Financing
Deep Green Solar has teamed up with Omnidian and Energetic to provide a fast and effective turnkey solar PPA financing solution for commercial, industrial and non-profit PV (and PV+storage) projects. Omnidian is a tech-enabled O&M provider and performance guarantor and Energetic is the leading small C&I offtaker insurance platform.

How it works?
Our process is really easy and straightforward. See for yourself.
Request PPA Quote
Enter project detail at DGS DealPort. Indicative PPA pricing provided immediately.
Request PPA Proposal
Initial PPA Proposal provided within 48hrs. Present PPA Proposal to Customer and upload Customer LOl.
Complete Project
Complete final project design and development. DGS project diligence completed and final PPA provided.
Finalize PPA
Finalization and presentation of the final PPA to the Customer and closing the deal!
Get your quote now!
Submit your project or drag-and-drop your
Energy Toolbase report for a rapid DGS quote.
Submit your project for a rapid DGS quote.